The 0303 Foundation
The 0303 Foundation aims to provide specific skincare products that nurture and heal the skin to students across America who rarely have the access or means to afford them. Additionally, The 0303 Foundation desires to create a platform for public and private high schools that offer workshops that will teach our skin care philosophies while providing the necessary supplies to achieve positive results at home. Our goal is to launch the first, large-scale, public school program centered around “teen hygiene awareness”. In this program we will address skin conditions such as acne and eczema while simultaneously providing solutions that will build self-esteem and combat the emotional issues that plague these problems. Working alongside esthetician Kristyn Smith, the workshops will also include certified nutritionists/trainers and certified therapists/physiologists who will address skin, diet, and mental well-being.
Our purpose is to provide accessible, healthy skin education as well as products that nurture and promote healing to those who typically do not have access to such resources. We believe that it is imperative for skincare education and hygiene to start at a young age. Unfortunately, we have noticed that the current beauty market does not educate its younger consumers (puberty level) on effective and affordable practices that treat problematic skin. Instead, the common beauty care solution often relies on pharmaceutical and dermatological intervention only once the problem has gotten out of hand. This must be changed! In a society that often praises clear skin and shames those with blemishes, it is essential to provide tools and knowledge to all ages and demographics on how to attain and maintain healthy skill. Our hope is that by providing the right information and the right product we will help to improve both the physical and mental wellness of the next generation.